Case Study

Michael Whitehouse


The system is working perfectly … we’re very happy with the end result

The Energy Experts were recommended to Michael, who was very aware of his energy usage profile and knew exactly what he wanted to have installed, even before his efficient house on the cliffs overlooking McCauleys Beach in Thirroul had finished being built. He wanted equipment that wouldn’t corrode, as he’s so close to the ocean.

Previous electricity bill Current electricity bill First Bill Credit
Average consumption: New build home 6.01kWh/day $262.36
Average cost: New build home $-2.82/day
Solar power system installed:
5.94kW LG/Fronius system
“I chose the panels I did because they have a Grade 6 rating against salt, which is obviously an important consideration without location. I also wanted panels with a really slow rate of degradation, given we don’t plan to leave here anytime soon. Your team did a fantastic job. Their service from beginning to end has been exceptional,” says Michael.

He didn’t need a particularly big system because his predicted low energy usage was spot-on, given the build of his home and his family’s history of low energy consumption. With just a 5.94kW system installed, Michael receives a credit on his electricity bills more often than not

Current Electricity Bill